Ah, the first so called book entry. It started with the fifth Harry Potter Novel. I was in Japan and the Sixth book was released, but sitting at home in Australia with a bookmark in page 265 was my fifth book. What did I do? I obviously bought it again, except this time I had the choice of buying the same cover as my hardcover at home but in the soft back or buy the softback in the Adult Editions. So I went with the latter. I went home and called my brother up to ask where I was in the novel, after he had told me I began to read.
It's funny, cause I remember buying this book, Ellen and I had pre-ordered it from Myer and were there on the morning of it's release, lining up outside Myer in the city amongst all these little kids dressed up as various characters from the book. Geeze we felt wierd, but the excitement and greatly anticipated release was more than enough to overcome the stupidity we felt standing in the line.

On arriving home, I couldn't wait to start reading it...here it was in my hands, the longest of the books to date. I began reading only to find that I was actually disappointed. It was slow so I couldn't get into it the way I had with the previous four. I knew that a book of its length would obviously take a while to get into, but I just couldn't get past 265 pages, so I bookmarked it, put it back on the shelf and left it there for 3 years, until now in Japan when I had the adult covered edition and had continued reading once again.
Winter 2006 Japan. I couldn't believe that I had put down such a good book! I knew at this stage what happens. I knew that Serius Black was going to die, but it didn't phase me much. I just wanted to read it. I couldn't put it down. I knew that I had another to continue reading once this part of the story was over, but I didn't want this part of the story to finish. It was simply amazing. Awesome!
Result I give it
4 of 5 star rating! Highly recommended for any Harry Potter fan and those whom are pre-destined to become one.

I currently also have 5 of the 6 books in Greek, which I purchased for my mum at an arm and leg in comparison, the 6th of which is on order and to arrive any day.
I have not yet read the Greek Editions of Harry Potter as I cannot read as fast in Greek as I can in English. I will one day though read these also, when I think I have somewhat forgotten the stories, as we do with books, and wish to remind myself with the medium of another language.