Kafka on the Shore

Funny how I got to reading this one. My flatmate Aaron would say, read Murakami, he's really good, really strange, read it. You'll like it. I saw this book lying on our kitchen table for weeks, but never reached over to even read the blurb, until one day I rocked up for work only to find that there had been an error and my shift had been slided 3 hours later and I hadn't been told. Damn! What was I to do now? I'll buy a book, don't know what, an English one. So I went over to the bookshop outside of Omuta Youme Town and walked straight to the English section only to see this book staring me in the face. I recognize this book, let me read the blurb. So I picked it up not knowing that it was his latest book at the time, and read the blurb. Seemed somewhat interesting, I'll give it a go. So I bought it and went back and began reading. I had 3 hours to kill so there was no point putting it down for 3 hours, hence I broke past the introductory boring bits you usually find at the start of the book, and then I was hooked! I couldn't put it down. It wasn't before long I finished it and fell in love with Murakami. How strange! I understand why the Japanese call him the strange author, and why the foreigners like him so much.
This book is strange, it is amazing, and it is totally my kind of book! I highly recommend it to anyone!
Result 5 of 5. Excellent read!
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