Okay so here is the complete set of all 7 SIN CITY comics! In order of Reading.
1. The Hard Goodbye
2. A Dame To Kill For
3. The Big Fat Kill
4. That Yellow Bastard
5. Family Values
6. Booze, Broads & Bullets
7. Hell And Back
All I can say is WOW! I have to admit that I watched the movie first with no idea that the comics existed. Once I found out, I had to buy them and read them since the movie was amazing. And can I now take the time to mention, wow! love the graphics, the stories, they are superb! Amazing drawn, more like a print than drawn, or so begin the first 4 afterwhich the art changes slightly.
You get a lot more out of the comics, and I love the way their stories overlap. So you can read one story and there's another one going on in the background which you don't realize till you read the next story and the one you just read is in the background. Very nicely done. Sometimes there's even three stories happening.
Oh, complaint about the movie! Nancy (Jessica Alba's Character) is topless in the comics!!! Fully ripped off in the movie! I thought it was supposed to be the same! lol
Result 5 of 5. Simply AMAZING!
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