Cell - Reading

Most of you probably saw it there too, on the toolbar advertisements of MSN Messenger. Now I have most of Stephen king's books but I have only ever read part of Four Past Midnight (The Langoliers) and half of another of the shorter stories. I will eventually read them all, but not at the moment, due to the fact that I have seen the movies, and have been turned off thinking they will be exactly the same. A theory I do not believe now. But besides the point.
So I saw this one and the story took to my interest. I bought it in Japan from Japan Amazon, and it was delivered to my door, free of postage, as per the Amazon rule of ordering within a country that distributes Amazon. I started to read it and it was interesting...I wonder where they would go with this. Then I had to pack my boxes to send home to Australia, so I didn't get a chance to finish it due to parties and the like, so in the next couple of days before packing, Aaron read it, and he said that it was okay, but that it ended strangely. Hmmm. I was turned off, it's still sitting on my shelf, bookmark in page 128 of 350. I will get to it, when I have finished and started others than fascinate me more at the moment.
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