Life of Pi

I saw this book on our kitchen table just before I left Japan and I asked Aaron about it. He told me the story and told me it was an amazing read, and since I highly respect his views on great books, when I saw it in Angus & Robertson's Top 100 List and also in the "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die" book, I thought I had to buy it, so I ordered it. I particularly love the authors note at the beginning of the book...It's very interesting.
So far the book is excellent, really well written and superbly described. I'm sitting on a 5 of 5 at the moment.
I love the smell of the paper also in the Amazon American Print, smells like the bible pages...I wonder if that was done on purpose. hmmm.
Okay, so it's finally finished! And what a feat that was! So many people were annoying me today at work while I was trying to finish and since there's a kinda twist in the end, I really wanted to finish it, yet the fuck-wits at work wouldn't let this happen, cause they're complete morons.
Anyway, besides the point, the book was fantastic! I really loved every little bit of it, from the descriptions to the circumstances Pi was placed in, to the relationship he built with Richard Parker (ie the Bengal Tiger). I particularly loved the island that they reached just before the end of the book. Awesome, and you know what? I believe the first story, the original. Not the second more plausible story.
Result: 5 of 5 for this one, cause it was so INTERESTING!!!
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