The Five People You Meet In Heaven

I love this book because what we would call Short & Sweet. Nigar recommended it to me...I think and her boyfriend Mike recommended it to her....I think.
I saw this on Angus & Robertson Top 100 Book List, and since I heard it was good, bought it myself.
Very nicely written, this story unfolds and touches your heart. The initial blurb fascinated me, and when I read the opening pages, I thought...I need to know how this ends. As goes with all stories about the afterlife, we want to know what happens in the end. What is it like? How does this particular story end, and who are the five people he meets?
If you have less than a day to spare, read this book. I highly recommend it. I'm surprised it's not in the "1001 Books" book, it'd definitely be in my 1001 books you must read.
Result is 4.5 of 5!
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