Who knew that this was a book let alone a story NOT written by Hayao Miyazaki? I sure as hell didn't! It was funny, I saw the movie which I had downloaded off the net in Japanese with English subtitles, and then when I went into work and started talking to my students about it, one of them told me that there is a book! So I thought, wow! A book! I can't wait to read this story as it was originally written by the Japanese author. She told me that you could get the book in English, so I was thrilled. Next day without fail, as is the Japanese way, she hands me this book, in English, written by Diana Wynne Jones. Hmmm....Strange, I thought. Is this the same book? Or has it been re-written in English by an English author? So that night I went home, jumped on the net and did some research, only to find that the story isn't in fact Japanese at all, but is Diana Wynne Jone's original story! How wierd that Hayao Miyazaki would use someone else's story and make it into a film. I was disappointed in a way but also interested.
I began reading only to find out that the book is so different from the movie that it's bloody awesome! I obviously like the book better than the movie, but the movie and it's story is also amazing!
5 of 5! Excellent read
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