Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Now I can start reading the 6th book. The thing that struck me with this one was the title! And so unexpected was the answer. I loved it. This is by far my favourite to date. It was shorter than the fifth, but the story was amazing, me in particular as it centers around my favourite character from book 1, Severus Snape. I could not believe what as happening in the book. Especially towards the end when a certain character is killed off. Let me tell you, I was so shocked, that I immediately went over to Kat, Polly and Damo's in the next building and asked for a shot of whiskey which I never drink! I needed to calm my nerves. I have never been so shocked in a book before. My world seemed to be crumbling down all around me, like I had been living in a fake existence, but I know that everything that has happened so far, has for reasons that will be explained in the sixth book and I know that the sixth book is going to be one unfucking believable book! It'll definitely be the best of all. Too bad the series is coming to an end. It's been such an entertaining story. One can only hope that it will continue.
Now for those who know the story, please read on. I do believe that the reason Dumbledore died is that he has been working secretly with Snape to begin with and still even right up until his death has had complete trust in Snape. He knew that he was getting weak and couldn't defeat Lord Voldermort, and since throughout the novel there is a complexity around the trust followers of Lord Voldermort have of Snape, the killing of Dumbledore by Snape would in fact change this view of all the dark lords followers including the dark lord himself and then just as Dumbledore would have wanted, he'd have an insider completely masked by everyone, in order to find out details as to where the other objects containing Voldermort's split soul are and destroy them. You know what they say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.
Result I would give this one a 5 of 5, simply brilliant story telling!
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